It’s January, a new year, and a new beginning. Firstly, Happy New Year. May 2021 be better to you then ever and hopefully a new chance to get healthier. To start the New Year I am doing the January Whole30 Challenge. This is actually my second year in a row doing it and I am excited and motivated. I mean what a better way to start the year then by eating all whole, real food. Homemade and delicious with no additives, bad oils, sugars, etc. So if you like that Idea read this post and join me in the January Whole30 Challenge.

What is Whole30?
So Let’s begin from the basics. Some of you may have heard of the Whole30, while some have not. Some people may not be exactly sure what it entails. I will explain it all to you so you can decide for yourself if it’s right for you. But seriously it’s only 30 days, and I know you can do it, so I challenge you.
Whole30 is not a diet, or a weight-loss plan, although you probably will shed a few pounds or more doing this. Whole30 is a 30 day plan to reset you mind and body. It will change your life, get rid of food cravings, rebalance your hormones, help digestion, improve medical conditions, improve sleep, boost your energy, and boost your immune system. Wow that sounds too good to be try right?
It actually all started out as an experiment by Melissa Hartwig Urban, the founder of Whole30. She came up with and tried this 30 day diet experiment. The results were amazing and improved her health, habits, and emotional relationship with food. The idea is to give your body a break from the usual foods we eat. Instead we will enjoy real, home cooked foods, while excluding dairy, grains, legumes, sugars, alcohol and no chemicals or additives. I will go in more details on the rules below.
The Rules
Ok I hope I have you convinced already. In case I haven’t yet, let’s talk about what is allowed and what you really eat. I cannot tell you this is totally easy, however it is by far not impossible. I promise you will not be hungry, in fact I feel it’s the opposite. There is a ton of food, especially once you change your mindset (this is key), the food is delicious.
Basically the idea is to break bad habits and change your mindset about food. Not let it control you and to listen to your body. You eat when your hungry and stop when your full. You try to stick to 2-3 meals a day and not really snacking. We want to nourish our bodies from the meals we make and not be snacking all day. This gives your digestive system a break between meals.
So what is allowed and what is not on the January Whole30 Challenge? Basically it’s meats, fish, eggs, veggies, fruit, potatoes, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.
What is not allowed is: Sugar of any kind (also sweeteners), Grains, dairy, alcohol, legumes, peanuts, soy, additives like carrageenan, MSG, Sulfites, no baked goods (even healthy ones, even grain free ones), and no scales (I love that).

How to start?
Well you can start any day, any time and just go for it. However, there are a few tips and tricks I can help you with to be ready mentally and physically so you will succeed. Firstly, I suggest you head over to the official Whole30 website to check it out. They have all the information and details you may need. There are a ton of free resources there to help you, as well as a start up kit with recipes you can sign up for. The more recipes and help you get the better as you want to succeed on the January Whole30 Challenge. Just think how great you’ll feel in just a few days, never mind by the end of it all.
From my experience the hardest part is the beginning. The first few days are tough getting used to cooking more, planning your meals, not ordering take away, and breaking your habits. By day 4 or 5 you start to feel so good and get in the swing of it, that the rest goes by so fast. Just think of 2020, how did that year all disappear so quickly?
Since the pandemic started, being home and doing the same things day after day (groundhog day effect) feels like this year just passed so fast. So think of it like that. Same prep, and eating ways for 30 days, it will fly by. Also don’t worry about the food part. There are so many delicious recipes (I will share some of my favorite resources), that you will never get bored or hungry from so much variety. Just remember to plan your meals, shop in advance and take out all temptations in your fridge and pantry.
Tips and Secrets to Success
Since I have a lot of experience already with Whole30, and health coaching I will share my tips, secrets and recipe resources with you to help you along. Also remember I am a coach and cooking instructor, so I am here for you. If you want help meal planning, or cooking or even discussing your health goals with me I am here. Sign up for a class or two, or just contact me for a FREE introductory call. Please also head over to my Instagram page @wellbeingscoach, to see all the latest recipes and ideas I’m cooking up for each meal.
These are just a few ideas from week 1! Looks delicious right? Who could believe it’s whole30, grain free, dairy free, no sugars or sweeteners…
So where do I get my ideas and recipes from? They are not all mine, I try lots of other bloggers and chef’s recipes out. Some I need to modify and some are already whole30 approved. My suggestion to you is to follow the Whole30 approved people/recipes to make life easier.
Here is a list to help you get started:
Sign up for my FREE email series of meal prep. All the basics and details on how to stay organized. This will definitely help you a lot.
Looking to clean out your kitchen and get rid of the temptation? Join me live in the comfort of your own home, as we venture through your pantry and fridge discussing how to clean it up and chose better options for you and your family. Check it out here
Justin and Erica Winn from Real Simple Good. They have great recipes and meal plans to help you do this challenge easily and with great food. Some of my favorites are Vegetable and beef stew and their 30 Healthy Whole30 snacks
Michelle Tam from Nom Nom Paleo. One of my favorites, with tons of Whole30 recipes that practical, fast and delicious with an Asian twist. One of my favorites of hers is the Penomenal Green Chicken or the cowboy chili
Danielle Walker who is my favorite usually with sweets and desserts but she also has lots of amazing Whole30 recipes. Check out her Gluten Free Pad Thai or her 8 weeks of Whole30 meal plans, super helpful.
Kelly from Eat the Gains. Some of my favorite breakfast ideas she makes that are delicious are: Breakfast Salad with poached eggs and her fried sweet plantains.
Let me know how it goes?
Since I am busy cooking, planning, and posting my Whole30 journey on IG, this week I do not have a recipe, just lots of tips. Stay tuned for more details of my whole30 journey and all the new things planned for this year. I know you will love it. Happy Cooking!