Have you tried Chia pudding? How about nice-cream? Today I am inspiring you with a combination of these two delicious plant based treats all in one. My Chia Matcha Delight.
Some of you may have tried my Choco mint nice-cream a few months back when I wrote about. A great non-dairy alternative to ice cream. Well this Chia Matcha delight too has nice-cream, however it’s banana, matcha and lime flavor. What a winning combination with the sweetness and creamy texture of the banana. A burst of lime, and the slightly bitter yet super healthy matcha. Please refer to my Matcha Leaf Biscuits post for health benefits if matcha.
Then we have the chia pudding on the bottom, a creamy, vanilla pudding. Here you are getting omega 3’s, potassium, calcium and antioxidants in every bite. Chia seeds are super nutritious and can benefit you in so many ways, like skincare, weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, protecting heart health, controlling diabetes, and improving the digestive system. So whether you make this dessert or not, you should definitely consider incorporating chia seeds into your diet.
Some other ways of preparing chia seeds are simply in a glass of water. In a smoothie or on a salad, or in a pudding like here in the chia matcha delight. In my cookbook Switch it Up!: Learn how to make your family’s favorites healthier, you can also find some great chia pudding recipes on pages 15-17.
This dessert is not only packed with nutrition but also bursting with flavor and beautiful color. It looks beautiful and your family will be impressed. This is a great dessert to serve or bring to your next holiday meal, I know you will not be disappointed. Happy Cooking!

1 cup non-dairy milk
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 tsp. Maple syrup/honey
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
3 frozen bananas
1 tsp. Matcha
Juice of 1 lime
2-3 tbsp coconut cream
To start, make the chia pudding as it needs to set which takes at least 1 hour.
Using a bowl add non-dairy milk, chia seeds, maple syrup and vanilla extract and mix well. it should already start to thicken up.
Pour chia pudding into small individual cups or jars. For shot glasses you get about 8-10 portions. For small bowls or small mason jars you will get 2-4 portions.

Place them in the fridge to set for about 1 hour.
In the meantime add bananas, matcha, lime and coconut cream in blender and mix well to make your nice-cream. You will get a thick smooth mixture. Taste it to make sure there is a good balance of flavor between the sweet and sour and bitter.
You can keep the nice-cream in the freezer until chia pudding is ready and you are ready to eat this dessert. This also helps the nice-cream harden up so it scoops nicely.
Once chia pudding has set, scoop some matcha nice-cream on top and serve immediately.
Note: you can make chia pudding in a big bowl and serve before eating, as well as for the nicecream. Nice- cream keeps ok in freezer but you must let it thaw out for at least 15 min before serving.