I never understood why people choose to buy hummus, rather than make it. No judgement on anyone, however this has got to be one of the easiest dips to make and the taste is nothing in comparison to the store bought ones. This homemade Healthier Hummus is, creamy, and delicious. You can use it as a dip, a spread or just eat it on its own. What I like most about it is that it almost forces you to eat more veggies, because it tastes so good when you dip a fresh carrot or celery stick into it.
After living in the Middle East for some time, hummus becomes a regular staple with so much of the food you eat. There are restaurants that only serve hummus. They make a huge batch everyday and when its done the restaurant closes for the day. They serve is in a bowl with toppings and you dip your warm pita bread into it. Each city or region has its own unique flavors and recipe, so they vary slightly from one place to another. However once you have tried the hummus in the middle east, you won’t be able to buy the store bought kinds anymore.
Traditionally, hummus was eaten in the middle east dating back hundreds of years ago. There is always a huge debate as to who invented it first? Was it Egypt, Greece, or somewhere else in the Middle East. It’s hard to say, however looking at historical information and timelines, it seems it originated in Egypt (sorry Greece). There have been historical documents dating as far back as the 13th century from Egypt mentioning hummus.
Since chickpeas grew, and still grow abundantly in the Middle East, it was easy for them to create this delicious and hardy dish. The word hummus actually means chickpeas in Arabic, and this dish was traditionally made for breakfast. It was the poor mans dish, that kept them full all day long.

Of course while living there, I had to learn from the best cooks how to make it. I decided to twist things up a bit and add some extra power to my Healthier Hummus, so here is a modern, healthier version of hummus to try out. I know you will love it, and this is especially great for keto and vegan diets. Give it a try and let me know what you think? Happy Cooking!
1 can of chickpeas
1 1/2 bulbs roasted garlic
1/8 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice
1 cup tahini
2 avocados, ripe, remove pits & scoop out flesh
1 tablespoon curry powder
Place chickpeas in boiling water and cook for 5 min, just until warmed. Drain in a colander and then puree in a food processor with the rest of the ingredients. Taste for seasoning.
Serve on top of a salad, or with some wholegrain or gluten free crackers, like my seedy crackers from last weeks post or use for vegetable sticks to dip! Healthy and Delicious!
NOTE: To make your own quick preserved lemons: Lightly score 4 lemons all the way around (do not cut through to the flesh) and then boil in 1 cup water, 1 cup fresh lemon juice, 2 bay leaves, 1/2 tablespoon whole black peppercorns and 1/4 cup kosher salt until lemons are soft, approx. 30 minutes.